Tools for Second Language Speech Research and Teaching

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SLA Speech Tools constitutes a free and public repository for researchers and teachers that are interested in using materials/tools on second language speech acquisition and pronunciation teaching in diverse educational contexts.

If you are a RESEARCHER in the field of second language acquisition (SLA), here you will find a wide range of peer-reviewed tools/materials that may be useful for your individual differences, SLA or L2 speech studies. Check our PUBLICATIONS tab to find the references where research and teaching tools have been published.

If you are a passionate pronunciation TEACHER interested in communicative methods, here you will be able to download several carefully designed (and peer-reviewed) explicit instruction, communicative form-focused activities and pronunciation-based tasks that are ready to be used in your classroom. 

Do you want to contribute?

Check our SUBMISSION page!

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Mora-Plaza, I., Saito, K., Suzukida, Y., Dewaele, J-M., & Tierney, A. (2022). Tools for second language speech research and teaching.