Research tools

Test batteries

Auditory processing - Discrimination

This test battery consists of four subtests which measure perceptual sensitivity to duration, formant, pitch, and risetime.
Cited in: Kachlicka et al.(2019),
Saito et al. (2020)

Auditory processing - Reproduction

These two tests may be used for measuring L2 learners' reproduction abilities . You can find a melody memory test and a rhythm memory test.
Cited in: Kachlicka et al.(2019),
Saito (2020)

Music aptitude

This is a musical aptitude test that consists of five subtests - Loudness, Melody, Pitch, Timbre, and Tempo. The test includes the stimuli produced by western instruments such as violin and the instruments uniquely played in Japan. Cited in: Saito et al.(2019)



You can find 2 questionnaires to measure the degree of anxiety related to foreign language learning in classroom settings: (1) Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety - Short Form, (2) Questionnaire for EFL pronunciation learning anxiety.
First cited in: Dewaele & MacIntyre (2014), Suzukida & Saito (under review)


The "attitudes and motivation" questionnaire is to measure the degree of motivation related to foreign language learning in EFL settings.
Cited in: Tennant & Gardner (2004); Adapted: Dewaele & Proietti Ergün (2020)
Also see the "Motivation questionnaire"
Cited in: Saito et al. (2018)

Peace of mind

The questionnaire is to measure the degree of “peace of mind” in English learning.
Cited in: Zhou et al. (2021)

Emotional Intelligence

This questionnaire measures Trait Emotional Inteligence of language learners. It has 30 items.
Cited in: Petrides (2009).


Four types of questionnaire are avaiable: (1) foreign language enjoyment, (2) foreign language 'teaching' enjoyment, and (3) foreign language boredom, (4) foreign language enjoyment and anxiety
Cited in: Li et al. (2018), (4) in Saito et al. (2018)


The questionnaire is to identify the parsonality profile of language learners.
Cited in: van der Zee et al. (2013)


This questionnaire measures positive flow in the foreign language classroom. Cited in: Dewaele, J.-M. & MacIntyre, P.D. (2021); Dewaele, J.-M., & MacIntyre, P. D. (2022a, b); and Dewaele, J.-M. et al. (2022)


This questionnaire gathers information about L2 English learning experience. Cited in: Sun et al. (press)

Individual tests

Digit Span

This online-based test is to measure learners' working memory capacity. This version contain forward and backward span tests. Each test contains maximum of 15 digits in order to correctly gauge L2 learners with wider range of the capacity.
Used in: Saito et al. (in preparation)

Grammatical Judgement Task (GJT)

This is an online-based test to measure learners' knowledge about English grammar. The test is timed so the test takers have to make very quick, impressionistic judgement.
Cited in: Godfroid et al.(2015)
Adapted: Saito et al. (2020)


This online-based test is to measure learners' receptive vocabulary size in English.
Cited in: Lemhöfer & Broersma (2012)
Adapted: Saito et al. (2020)

Spoken vs. written vocabulary tests

The following tests are designed to assess learners' spoken and written vocabulary for L2 vocabulary learning in Japanese EFL contexts.
Used in: Uchihara (2022)

Lexicosemantic Judgement Task (LJT)

This test is created to measure L2 learners' breath of phonological vocabulary. There are two ONLINE versions: one in English and one in Japanese, and a PEN-AND-PAPER version in English, with a conversion matrix.
Used in: Saito et al. (2023)

Oral tasks

The dinner table

This oral task can be used to elicit spontaneous speech by EFL/ESL learners. It includes a simple and a more complex version of a task (± reasoning demands), and its corresponding pre-tasks. It can be used either monologically or dialogically, depending on the research purpose.
Used in: Mora-Plaza et al. (2024)
Adapted: Ur (1981)

*Please note that you will need to create an account on Gorilla ( ) to implement the individual tests.