Teaching tools

Incidental High-Variability Phonetic Training

Title: Incidental phonetic training

Task type: Videogame

Task goal: Practice English phonemes

Participation: Individual

Linguistic feature: English /r-l/, /æ-ʌ/

Learner proficiency: B1-C2

Learner L1: Japanese

Author: Kazuya Saito

Published in: Saito et al. (2022) 

Explicit Pronunciation Instruction

Title: Starting Point -Hearing Marathon-

Task type: Repetition and shadowing

Task goal: Practice English phonemes, lexical stress and rhythm

Duration: 5 activities (30 min. each)

Participation: Individual

Linguistic feature: English /r/, /l/, /θ/, ð/, /v/, lexical stress and rhythm

Learner proficiency: B1-C2

Learner L1: Japanese

Author: Kazuya Saito

Published in: Saito (2011)

Title: Starting Point -Hearing Marathon-

Task type: Repetition and shadowing

Task goal: Practice the English syllable, lexical stress, rhythm and intonation

Duration: 5 activities  (30 min. each)

Participation: Individual

Linguistic feature: English syllables, lexical stress, rhythm and intonation

Learner proficiency: B1-C2

Learner L1: Japanese

Author: Kazuya Saito

Published in: Saito (2011)

Title: Explicit pronunciation instruction

Task type: Repetition, shadowing, semi-spontanious production practice, and fluency enhancement 

Task goal: Practice the target segmentals and improve fluency

Duration: 4 days (50 min. each) 

Participation: Individual

Linguistic feature: English segmentals, fluency

Learner proficiency: A1-C1

Learner L1: Japanese

Author: Yui Suzukida

Published in: Suzukida & Saito (2024) DOI: 10.1017/S1366728922000700

*You can find a Functional Load List for efficient teaching of English segmentals in the Access tab below*

Pronunciation-Focused Communicative Tasks

Title: Reef or leaf?

Task type: Argumentation and debate

Task goal:  Practice English segmentals through debate

Duration: 4 days (30 min. each)

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English contrasts /r-l/ in lexical minimal pairs

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Japanese

Author: Kazuya Saito

Published in: Saito (2013a, 2013b, 2015) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716413000271,

Saito & Lyster (2012) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9922.2011.00639.x

Title: The farewell party

Task type: Problem-solving, Decision-making task

Task goal: To decide about different food to bring in a farewell party taking into consideration several dietary restrictions.

Duration: 20-25 minutes 

Participation: In groups of 3 

Linguistic feature: Three different pronunciation forms of plural -s: [s] as in cups; [z] as in bottles; or [əz] as in dishes.

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Spanish

Author: Joshua Gordon

Adapted from: Gordon (2022)

Title: Agree or disagree?

Task type: Argumentation & debate

Task goal: Help students to develop critical thinking, express opinions, and provide counterarguments

Duration: 1.5 hours

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English contrasts /iː-ɪ/ in lexical minimal pairs

Learner proficiency: B2

Learner L1: Mandarin Chinese

Author: Yaoyao Ruan

Adapted from: Saito (2013)

Published in: Ruan & Saito (2023) 

Task-Based Pronunciation Teaching

Title: What can I do when I travel?

Task type: Awareness-raising, Problem-solving, Decision-making task

Task flow: Pre-, During-, Post task phases

Task goal: To agree on a city to visit and an activity to do as an end-of-course trip.

Duration: 30-40 minutes

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English contrasts /iː-ɪ/ and /æ-ʌ/ in lexical minimal pairs

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Spanish

Author: Ingrid Mora-Plaza

Published in: Mora-Plaza (2021), Mora-Plaza et al. (forthcoming)

Title: Collecting parcels

Task type: Information-gap, Decision-making task

Task flow: Pre- and During- task phases

Task goal: To give and follow instructions to help you partner collect all the parcels.

Duration: 3 days (10-15 min each) sequenced from simple to more complex 

Context: computer-based (lab)

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English contrast /iː-ɪ/ in non-lexical minimal pairs

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Spanish

Author: Joan C. Mora & Mayya Levkina

Published in: Mora & Levkina (2018) 

Title: Apartment Hunting

Task type: Information-gap, Decision-making task

Task flow: Task cycle

Task goal: To share information about different apartments and decide on the most convenient one in terms of budget,  location and facilities.

Duration: 20-25 minutes

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English word stress

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Spanish

Author: Joshua Gordon

Published in: Gordon (2021)

Adapted from: Hewings (2004)

Title: Unusual trip

Task type: Awareness-raising, Problem-solving, Decision-making task

Task flow: Pre- and Task phases

Task goal: To agree on a city to visit and an activity to do.

Duration: 30-40 minutes 

Participation: In pairs/ small groups

Linguistic feature: English contrast /iː-ɪ/ and /æ-e/ in lexical minimal pairs

Learner proficiency: A2-C2

Learner L1: Chinese

Adapted from: Mora-Plaza (2021), Mora-Plaza (2023) 10.5281/zenodo.8225325